Wednesday, August 29, 2018


I LOVE seasons!!  And anyone that knows me best, knows that my favorite season of all is FALL!!  I love the cooler weather, the changing colors of the trees, the earthy smell of wet ground, the way the changing sun leaves longer shadows on the ground, the smell of pumpkin spice candles, and bubbling soups on the stove......can you tell I love Fall?! haha  Just as a new season brings change in the weather and the world around us, so comes changes in our lives.

When I was a mom with young kids still at home, I remember the rhythm of life that became so predictable and comfortable.....Fall was the back-to-school hubbub, Winter was Christmas/building snowmen/cozy evenings all tucked in to a warm home, Spring was fresh energy and the world waking up around us, and Summer was always warm nights hearing the kids play Kick The Can out in the street with their neighborhood friends, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for what seemed like 20 kids every day, and hanging out at the town lake every afternoon with all the other moms.  Life revolved around the kids, with a few stolen moments for ourselves along the way.

Today, our kids have each been married for over a decade and we have six awesome grandkids that fill our lives with all the joy, laughter, chaos, and fun that a Grammy could ever wish for.  But our seasons have a different feel to them now......apart from the crackly knees and grunts we make when we stand up from a chair (can I get an Amen?) haha  I've noticed recently that most of my husband's and my conversations are wrapped around "When we retire..."  Our eyes most often are focused on the future and most of our decisions are held up against the template of how-will-this-affect-our-retirement ahead.  While I am more of a "live in the moment" kinda girl, my hubby is a planner.  So, I'm thankful for him as he is extra good at making sure we are prepared ahead......but I still pull him back in to the joy of "now" along the way :)

I read a quote from Joanna Gaines the other day that really spoke into my heart.  She said "I believe that we're all made ready.  Whatever season you're in, whatever life may throw at you, whether it feels like success or like failure, expected or unexpected, you are made ready."  What a profound truth, isn't it?  Think back to a time when life threw you a curve ball.  When you think about walking through that season, you realize through hindsight that you were made ready in some way for that, right?  You had the finances, or the support system around you, or the "mountain top" faith, or the health, etc to meet that moment.  Somehow, some way, you got through it, right?  And when you look back at those times, your faith is made stronger.....not only in yourself BUT in God, too.  About ten years ago, our pastor gave a sermon on "Joshua Stones" that stuck with me forever.  He said, based on Joshua 4:9, remember those times that God has moved on your behalf.  Those times when He answered your prayers through a job, health scare, broken marriage/relationship, etc....those are your Joshua Stones!  Those times that build our faith in God and remind us that we follow a Living God, who loves us, cares for us, provides for us, and MOVES on our behalf in response to our prayers!  So, today, no matter what season we find ourselves in, hold tight to your Joshua Stones and know that this season is in His Hands and He's got you covered.  Now, let's go get a Pumpkin Spice Latte, ok? :)